Gateway releasing two newNV series laptops dubbed NV59 and NV79. Gateway NV59 laptop is a 15.6-inch laptop powered by either an Intel Core i3 or Core i5 processors, up to 8GB of DDR3 RAM and 320GB to 640GB hard drive.Graphics managed by an Intel HD integrated graphics. Other features should include WiFi b/g/n, ethernet LAN, multi-gesture touchpad, Webcam, dedicated numeric keypad and optional Blu-ray drive. Its 15.6-inch display has a 1366 x 768 pixel resolution.
While Gateway NV79 is a 17.3-inch laptop with a 1600 x 900 pixel resolution. Its other specs are similar to NV59 but graphics handled by an ATI Mobility Radeon HD dedicated GPU. The new laptops haws a $629.99 starting price.